Michael Baxley 816-753-5784 Interim Development Consultant development@kemperart.org
June Ahrens
Gary Akers
Alexandre Gallery
Irene R. Allis *
American Academy of Arts and Letters
Barry Anderson
Atrium Gallery
Dr. Richard J. Bahron
Dr. Michael Bastasch
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benson
John Berggruen Gallery
Byron Cohen/Lennie Berkowitz Gallery
Robin Bernat
Linda * and Ed * Blackburn
Robert L. Bloch
Christopher Brown
Frederick James Brown *
Richard Lotman Brown
Stephen Bernard Browne
Phillip A. Bruno Collection
Dan Budnik *
Stanley J. Bushman
Byoungho Son
Carroll and Sons, Boston
Patty Carroll
E. Kemper Carter and Anna Curry Carter Community Memorial Trust, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
Chihuly Studio
Dale Chihuly
Byron * and Eileen Cohen
Dr. Douglas and Cara Cowan
Cheryl Cozad
Rachael and Kanon Cozad
John T. Curtis
Deborah Dancy
Harold F. Daum *
Beatrice B. Davis *
Joan* and George* Dillon
Terry Dixon
Lois Dodd
Dolphin, Inc.
Carol Simon Dorsky
Douglas Drake Gallery
Douglas Drake and Elisabeth Kirsch
DST Systems, Inc.
Angela Dufresne
Burton L. Dunbar and Anna Marie Larkin
JE Dunn Construction
Senator Thomas F.* and Barbara S. Eagleton
Robert Ebendorf